Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Brief Visit

We had the awesome luck to see dad for a few minutes last night on his way home from Afghanistan. Well, technically from Turkey, but still. We met him at the airport not far from here, but what was originally a three hour layover became about thirty minutes, so we didn't have the chance to sneak him away for dinner and a visit to the new house, as we'd hoped.
We brought along a bag of treats - Kinder Eggs, some German tea called "Hot Loving" that is actually quite good, if unfortunately named and several tasty baked treats from the bakery in our village. Hopefully, dad is en route to Baltimore, enjoying fresh pretzels and pastries. At any rate, it will be better than what they usually serve on military flights :)
It took Ella a while to warm up to dad, but by the end of the visit, she was giving him plenty of kisses and hugs, and was quite sad to see him go. She wanted to show him her room at home, and Joe still didn't quite understand why Papa didn't have his motorcycle with him, but they were happy to be tickled and hugged, in the end.

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