Friday, January 30, 2009

Back to Blogging and Big Emma's

I haven't been posting because I didn't realize anyone was actually reading this thing. No one has commented or emailed or called to let me know, so I just... stopped. I keep a journal for myself, so I've just been writing there, but as one person has let me know that they like reading my blog, I figure I'll keep it up. Even if just one person is reading it, that makes me feel good :)

Not much has happened in my absence - my Christmas presents from Will finally arrived and they are GREAT! I got a new camera that I can just stick in my purse - I love my Rebel, but it's so big, and I'm afraid to take it to say, a concert or bar, because something could happen to it. This one fits nicely in my bag and takes amazing photos :) He also got me the Post Secret books, and I'm happy to say that one of my secrets made it in!

We also finished furnishing the guestroom/family room downstairs - there are now two couches down there, one of which contains a fold-out bed. The old coffee table and tv stand and tv are down there as well, with a nice carpet - it's shaping up to be a great place to hang out with the kiddos and watch a movie :)

And lastly, Joseph finally got a pet. Max is our new tortoise hare (I know, it cracks me up, too) and he's super friendly. He likes sitting in laps, being petted, eating celery and hopping spastically. He's litter trained and only chews on paper if you leave it on the floor, and Joseph is thrilled with him. He wanted to change Max's name, but...

J: I think the bunny needs a new name.
A: Oh? Like what?
J: *thinking* Well, how about Stairs?
A: Stairs the bunny? I don't know. Do you have any other ideas?
J: Yes, we could call him Plugs.
A: Plugs isn't really a bunny name, Joseph.
J: Ok, ok, ok... how about this, Mom. We can name him Spoons.
A: ......... You know what, Joseph? I think Max is actually a very nice bunny name.

And so the bunny's name remains Max.

On to current events!
Soon we'll be heading out for a Hail and Farewell for a buddy of ours who is leaving this unit. We knew him back at Ft. Belvoir in Virginia, and it's been nice to see him again, even for a short time. Will was put in charge of picking out his going away gift, and instead of the usual plaque, he got this soldier a HUGE stein, with an eagle carved on and an engraved silver plate with the name and dates. It's really nice, and I think it's a good departure from the plain old boring certificates and plaques people normally receive.

The venue for this H&F is pretty well known around here - it's called Big Emma's. I've never been before, but I hear the schnitzel is amazing. If you get a chance, check out that website - it really does offer a fair insight into the German dining experience :) Please note the use of phrases such as 'big how you like it,' 'taste it and check your quality' and 'woman-size menu.' This is pretty standard :)

There's no sharing of dishes in German restaurants unless you're ordering a regular meal for two small children, which is what we usually do. The children's menues here don't differ much from those in the States - they invariably offer chicken nuggets, french fries, grilled cheese or spatzle (sort of like German macaroni and cheese). Joe and Ella don't really eat too much of any of those things, so they usually split a schnitzel or wurst of some sort.
I've got a weakness for rumpsteak with krauterbutter - a filet-mignon style steak topped with a fresh butter mixed with garlic and herbs. There are no steak sauces or ketchups on the table - all cooking here is supposed to stand on it's own.
Also, they bring the dishes out of the kitchen as soon as they're ready - there's no waiting in the window for a whole order to come up. And as soon as your plate is on the table, you're expected to start tucking in. It's rude to leave your food untouched, as this signals to the waiter that something is wrong with it.
Learning to eat here really has been an experience, but it's been so much fun, too. We've found so many great places to eat and tried a lot of new foods - I can't wait to see what else we'll find.

I'll let you know how Big Emma's was next time :)

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