Saturday, January 10, 2009

Five Years Today

Today is our anniversary - five years ago, I married a man I hadn't known very long. He was older than me. From a completely different walk of life. Another race, another heritage. A whole different view of the world.

And it was the best decision I'd made yet.

Five years, two children, three duty stations and two countries later, I'm just as happy to see him everyday as I was when my dad walked me down the isle and handed me off. I'm proud of my family, my life and my kids, I'm proud of the new heritage and history I learn more about with each year, and I'm proud of what I'm teaching our children - not every choice you make as a teenager is a bad one, and that we love each other very, very much.

This is not nearly as eloquent as I'd meant it to be, but I am exhausted. Tonight we hired a babysitter and went out for Indian food - an anniversary tradition, though it wasn't intentional the first three times :) We also saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - an amazing, beautiful movie that I give two thumbs up, though you'll need to bring a box of tissues with you.

I guess the long and short of it is this: I'm very, very happy tonight :)

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