Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wow, these last few days have been busy!

Firstly, it SNOWED! Finally! I've been assured I'll be sick of white flurry bits soon enough, but it's so beautiful right now :) It has been a bit of a problem, as we live on the top of a steep hill, so going anywhere in the car involves going down and around our hill and approaching from the other, less steep side. Last night when we were leaving the store, the thermometer said 17'F - and boy, was it biting cold. It's the kind of cold, here, that really does suck the air out of your lungs and make your throat hurt just breathing. And please excuse the giant stack of wood in the foreground of the picture - our Naked Neighbors decided that against our back fence was definitely prime placement for their firewood supply this year :(

I've been cleaning out the downstairs storage and laundry rooms, where we dumped everything we didn't feel like unpacking in the first few weeks. And I'm almost done! I really wish I'd taken before and after pictures, but oh well. I'll at least get 'after' pictures up when I'm done :) Our laundry and storage rooms are really both big enough to be spare bedrooms, save for the lack of heating and windows in there. I've got four boxes of Stuff sitting in the hallway that I'm slowly photographing and posting for sale on Ramstein Yard Sales or giving away to the local shelter. Once that is done, I'll be able to start getting ready for our first scheduled visitors - Will's Family! They're coming to see us in April, and we can't wait. We're researching trips and making plans to get the most sightseeing we can out of their time here.

And, last but not least, I'm starting a new project. I'll not say what it is now, but fingers crossed that I get it finished. If I work on it (like I really should work on all of my projects), I should finish by the time Will's family gets here. Hopefully. I'm really excited about it, and I can't wait to show it to all of you! But that's all I can say about it now. We've been spending the last few days researching and getting all the bits and pieces I need, and as soon as they all get here (stupid military mail system) I'll be able to start!

So that's it, really.
Oh, and if you're willing to cut me some slack, you can read my old bartending blog, Kind of a Big Deal. Just don't judge me too harshly - it was mostly meant for comedy and fellow hospitality workers, and the language is less-than-safe for little ears.
Love you all!

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